Consulting Agreement Template Thailand

Consulting Agreement Template Thailand

Sale price200.00 ฿

Our Consulting Agreement Template Thailand outlines the terms and conditions that minimize potential conflicts and provide a solid foundation for successful consulting engagements between consultants and clients.

Whether for specific projects or long-term consulting arrangements, our template covers key aspects such as services rendered, consultant fees, termination or confidentiality.

It saved me hours of drafting time and provided peace of mind, knowing that I had a solid legal foundation for my consulting engagements. The template is highly recommended.

Somsak P.


Crafting a consulting agreement in Thailand transcends mere contractual obligations; it establishes a robust connection between clients and consultants, fostering a framework for fruitful collaboration. Our Consulting Agreement Template Thailand is created with accuracy to detail to specifically cover all the vital aspects while properly delineating tasks.

Defining Precise Parameters for your agreement :

Each side is precisely defined and tightly described through the use of our template. The pillars of its expectations of consulting relationship, including payment schedule, length, termination sections, and strict confidentiality protection are carefully outlined. The abject lack of ambiguity will help in minimizing misunderstandings with the client and focus on the job that both sides are responsible for delivering, thus minimizing unnecessary complications.

Our qualified team of lawyers is experienced in Thai law, meaning the peculiarities of IT consulting, financial consulting, or consulting management are accounted for in the template. Our template is specific enough to be enforceable and, at the same time, general enough for an extensive array of particular situations. For this reason, you do not need to worry about being too specific about details: both your and our experts’ needs are taken into account, and the subscription is broad yet, at the same time, detailed in all the right ways.

Ensuring Success Through Adaptability:

Our Consulting Agreement Template Thailand can be applied to any kind of consulting and consultant, meaning it is rich in comfortable and flexible features you can rely on irrespective of your consulting experience. If it is your first time as a consultant, you will not have to worry about the particulars of the situation, as the template has it taken care of for you. If you have been consulting about your particular sphere of interest, it will be only too happy to adjust to your expectations and requirements. Finally, if you are an experienced consultant, the template has all the right tools for you to design yet another successful chain of agreements with your clients. All in all, it is not just another hollow contract formality: the Consulting Agreement Template Thailand is a tool for success designed for you and you consulting partners.

Your Agreement in 3 Steps

it's a download icon that tells AI Agreement customers they can download our agreement temples quickly and easily


After purchasing the contract you will receive your agreement in Word Format


Customize your contract by filling in relevant details in gray-highlighted areas


Meticulously review all clauses and sections. Your contract is now ready to be used

Get the template you need

Create a contract tailored to your exact needs

Why trust us ?

Drafted by law firms

Qualified law firms and senior Thai attorneys in Bangkok manage our agreements, ensuring they are legally precise and compliant with Thai jurisdiction, thanks to a proficient team of legal experts

High quality template

We pride ourselves on meticulously crafted agreements tailored to specific needs and regulations. Our legal expertise ensures clarity, conciseness, and robustness in every transaction.

Dedicated Support

Our customer support team is readily available to assist you throughout the template selection and customization process, ensuring a seamless experience. We continually improve our services.

Navigating Consulting Agreements Template in Thailand : A Comprehensive Guide

Parties involved in the agreement

The role of consultants in Thailand is central to achieving business success, as they provide unbiased advice, professional expertise and creative solutions to companies. The central objective of consultants is to provide their clients with practical recommendations, help with identifying opportunities and making appropriate decisions and offering the original ideas for overcoming challenges.

Consultants also focus on results and innovation, as their fresh insights and outside expertise are central to management of interchangeability of modern and dynamic markets. Also, they are expected to comply with the timeline, provision of services and results as well as to communicate these issues to the client.

The main obligation of the client is to pay the consultant the agreed price, even if the assignment was unsuccessful. The service provider can cease work when the client fails to pay. Suppose the customer is worried that the assignment will produce inferior results. In that case, variable remuneration can be agreed upon, implying that the payment will be contingent on the assignment.

Regulatory Environment

Thailand has a several laws and regulations, which are applied to consulting activities in order to enforce their compliance because sometimes they protect both sides – a consultant and a client. The most critical and main legislation that concerns a consulting engagement is the Thai Contract Act B.E. 2522. It talks about the legal issues connected to the form, nature, and enforceability of a contract. Additionally, there can be certain industry-related guidelines or consultancy licensing which consultants will have to comply with.

A number of consulting agreements or businesses in Thailand may require registration or reporting to government officials. For example, it may be necessary for the consulting service provider to register with the Ministry of Commerce or other relevant authorities. It is necessary for consultants to have a good understanding of these requirements.

When it comes to work visas and permits and legal requirements, foreign consultants working in Thailand need to have work permits and visas to legally carry on their consulting activities. Immigrants should be knowledgeable about the specific immigration law, requirements, processes, and rules to ensure they indeed have the documentation required.

Key Features of Our Consulting Agreement Template:

Our Consulting Agreement Template is an all-encompassing framework that addresses every condition of your consulting engagement. From the range of services provided and the compensation structure to the payment terms and agreement period – everything is covered, making sure no key detail falls aside. Whether you are starting a one-off project or embarking on a long-term partnership, our template will provide you with the necessary structure and clarity for your consulting engagement. With comprehensive and direct clauses regarding each significant part of a relationship, you can feel safe that each crucial element of a personality has been thought out and included.

Protecting your interests is of top priority in any consulting work. Our template has several clauses to protect your rights reduce on risks. First, there are confidentiality clause which protects your confidential information, like intellectual property and other proprietary information from the consultant’s unlawful use and disclosure. Second is the intellectual property rights clause clarifying ownership and usage rights to new product designs. Our template also contains a non-compete clause which guides the engagement of the client in activities deemed to compete with the consultant – you, the service provider. Additionally, there are indemnification clauses which provide remedies in case of legal disputes. It is safe to say that your interests are well-guarded through the consulting process.

Our consulting template is highly flexible and offers a lot of customization for your needs. Depending on whether you offer consulting in financial matters, law, marketing strategies or human resources, you can change, remove or add all key information to reflect your type of consulting and the preferences of both parties. By doing so, you can ensure your agreement reflects all of your deliverables and services and your expectations from the customers, which will help form a more productive relationship with them.

Every consulting business must conduct its operations in compliance with the law. As such, we have tailored our template to the Thai law and, specifically, the Thai Contract Act B.E. 2522 . This Act sets the major rules for contract formation, prescribing what a contract is, how it may come into existence, and its forms. This is why our template fits the requirements of the Thai law, ensuring a strong foundation for consulting agreements when using it. Following Thai regulations will protect you from legal risks, support your image as a professional organization, and help you avoid detrimental controversies.

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