Employee Non-Disclosure Agreement Template Thailand

Employee Non-Disclosure Agreement Template Thailand

Sale price200.00 ฿

Our Non-Disclosure Agreement Template Thailand outlines the terms and conditions that establish confidentiality between the Employer and the Employee.

Whether for specific projects or ongoing business operations, our template covers key aspects such as the protection of sensitive information, obligations of confidentiality, duration of the agreement, and procedures for handling disclosures.

"Utilizing the Non-disclosure Agreement Template between two professionals in Phuket safeguarded proprietary information exchange during a collaborative project. I think it really helped us to save time and money.

Alex F.


In Thailand, a non-disclosure agreement serves as the baseline for formalizing relationships between parties, going beyond only contractual duties to construct a framework of mutual comprehension and assumptions. Our Non-Disclosure Agreement Template Thailand proceeds farther by identifying the involved persons and thoroughly explicating the extent of private information. It also details open conditions regarding the handling of private information, clear length and conclusion conditions, robust privacy steps, avoidance of unapproved disclosure, and debate decision methods to confirm alignment from the onset.

Accurate Safeguarding: Crafting Secure Contracts

Clarity and protection are paramount in such agreements, where the success of the partnership regularly depends on the accuracy of the agreement. Our Non-Disclosure Agreement Template captures the essence of this pivotal document, offering a sturdy structure that shields your interests and nurtures trust in confidential interchanges. Drafted by experienced attorneys, our template furnishes fundamental aspects tailored to the nuances of non-disclosure agreements in Thailand. It confirms that your agreement fulfills all legal demands while offering the adaptability to customize it to your specific needs.

Versatile Tools for Confidential Engagements

Planned to meet the diverse needs of confidential engagements, our template is the ideal instrument for multiple purposes. Whether you're sharing proprietary information, trade secrets, intellectual property, or other private materials, our template gives a strong basis for your agreements. Moreover, you can easily modify any factor to confirm it fits your assumptions completely. In summary, the Non-Disclosure Agreement Template helps you establish secure confidential relationships. With our Non-Disclosure Agreement Template, you can navigate confidential engagements with assurance, knowing that your interests are protected, and your private information is safeguarded. Whether you're experienced in handling sensitive information or new to confidentiality agreements, our template furnishes the essential tools you need to build trust, mitigate risks, and maximize the potential for successful outcomes.

Your Agreement in 3 Steps

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After purchasing the contract you will receive your agreement in Word Format


Customize your contract by filling in relevant details in gray-highlighted areas


Meticulously review all clauses and sections. Your contract is now ready to be used

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Why trust us ?

Drafted by law firms

Qualified law firms and senior Thai attorneys in Bangkok manage our agreements, ensuring they are legally precise and compliant with Thai jurisdiction, thanks to a proficient team of legal experts

High quality template

We pride ourselves on meticulously crafted agreements tailored to specific needs and regulations. Our legal expertise ensures clarity, conciseness, and robustness in every transaction.

Dedicated Support

Our team of native Thai and English speakers provides high-quality translation, ensuring the integrity of the original document by translating legal terminology with precision

Navigating Consulting Agreements in Thailand : A Comprehensive Guide

Parties involved in the agreement

Employees play a crucial role in safeguarding confidential information and proprietary knowledge of the Employer. Their primary mission is to uphold confidentiality obligations by not disclosing any confidential information to unauthorized parties. With a focus on maintaining trust and integrity, employees must adhere to the terms outlined in the Non-Disclosure Agreement. They are responsible for protecting confidential information from unauthorized access, use, or disclosure, both during and after their employment. Additionally, employees must comply with all relevant laws, regulations, and company policies related to confidentiality and data protection

The Employer's fundamental obligation is to provide a safe and secure environment for employees to work in and ensure that confidential information is protected from unauthorized access or disclosure. The Employer may take necessary measures to enforce confidentiality obligations, including legal action, if the Employee breaches the terms of the Non-Disclosure Agreement.

Regulatory Environment

In Thailand, the protection of confidential information is governed by various laws and regulations to safeguard the interests of businesses and individuals. The primary legislation governing confidentiality agreements is the Thai Trade Secrets Act, which provides legal remedies for the misappropriation of trade secrets and confidential information. Employers and employees must familiarize themselves with these laws and regulations to ensure compliance and protect sensitive information from unauthorized disclosure.

Certain businesses or industries in Thailand may have additional regulatory requirements or industry-specific regulations related to confidentiality and data protection. Employers should be aware of these requirements and take appropriate measures to comply with relevant laws and regulations. This may include implementing security measures, training employees on confidentiality protocols, and establishing procedures for handling confidential information.

Foreign employees working in Thailand may need to obtain work permits and visas to legally engage in employment activities. Employers should ensure that foreign employees have the necessary documentation to work in Thailand and comply with immigration laws and procedures.

Key Features of Our Consulting Agreement Template:

Our Non-Disclosure Agreement Template provides a comprehensive framework for establishing confidentiality between the Employer and the Employee. It defines the scope of confidential information, outlines the obligations of confidentiality, and establishes procedures for handling and protecting sensitive information. Whether you're hiring new employees or engaging in business partnerships, our template offers the clarity and protection necessary to safeguard your confidential information.

In any business relationship, protecting confidential information is essential to maintaining a competitive advantage and safeguarding intellectual property. That's why our template includes robust confidentiality clauses to ensure that sensitive information remains protected. Confidentiality clauses specify the types of information covered under the agreement and outline the obligations of the parties to maintain confidentiality. Non-disclosure clauses prohibit employees from disclosing confidential information to third parties without authorization, while non-compete clauses prevent employees from engaging in activities that may compete with the Employer's business interests. With these protective measures in place, you can trust that your confidential information is safeguarded throughout the employment relationship.

Our Non-Disclosure Agreement template offers flexibility and customization options to meet the unique needs of your business. Whether you're a startup, a multinational corporation, or a small business, you can tailor the agreement to reflect your specific confidentiality requirements and preferences. By customizing the template, you can ensure that it accurately reflects the nature of your business, the types of confidential information involved, and the expectations for confidentiality. This promotes transparency and clarity in your business relationships and helps protect your valuable intellectual property and proprietary information.

It is crucial for any business operating in Thailand to comply with local laws and regulations regarding confidentiality and data protection. Therefore, our template is meticulously crafted to ensure compliance with Thai laws, specifically the Thai Trade Secrets Act and other relevant legislation. By following Thai laws and regulations, you can minimize legal risks and ensure that your business operations are conducted with integrity and professionalism.

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